
It isn't just us that say it..

What to do on the day to get keys quicker

CHAPS and the evidence

Notice for moving. Why it’s a lie to give a simple straight forward answer.

Why we don’t use other storage facilities and discussing quotes for storage

What does Conveyancing Solicitor incompetence look like?

Are Estate Agents words to be trusted?

Stockholm Syndrome and Conveyancing

Lifting the lid – selling & dates

Profiting from truly poor practice

Provisional / Removal bookings, the truth of them, and how it works

Professional Removers Expensive? Amateurs…Expensive? How do you tell them apart?

How many removal men does it take to change a lightbulb?

Gazumping Gazundering and Exchange of Contracts

How does it all work on moving day?

Top 5 reasons why not to move on a Friday

So, you book ‘x’, and get ‘y’. Sub-contracting and ‘service partners’

‘Vacant Possesion’? It’s an obligation!

Being let down by removal company... read one customer’s story

Cash Buyer? Yeah, right! When is a cash buyer NOT cash buyer?

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Moving Home

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Self Storage

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free moving guide!

Looking for advice on packing? Look no further...
You could also visit the blog pages for some serious insight into the process

The packing guide a little out of date now (being re-written), but the core message is still there. It was originally written twenty years ago.

Lots of handy hints on successfully packing and preparing for your move which, while it may take 25 minutes to read, could save you hours in packing and remove a little of the stress and tension!

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